Interior design is the product of a cultural and historical process that forms the basis of social life. Interior Design, which is one of the forms in which art and aesthetic phenomena are integrated into daily life, is an extremely up-to-date field that aims to improve the spaces where the majority of human life takes place, in terms of functionality, aesthetics and technological features.
Today, due to intense competition and constantly changing consumer needs, professional competencies to be gained by individuals to be employed in the field of interior design have gained great importance. İzmir University of Economics Interior Design Program aims to train qualified human resources who can respond to the design needs of rapidly changing interiors, determine the necessary techniques and make material selections before the application, and have theoretical and practical knowledge and skills on interior design.
The curriculum of the program; It is kept up to date by following academic and sectoral developments in interior design, both nationally and internationally. With the Interior Design Program, students can easily adapt to the market after their education life, as they receive both theoretical and practical training, and they will have the chance to meet business life before they graduate with the compulsory internships. In addition, graduates can be employed in the fields of building-construction-design, architecture, interior design offices, construction companies, furniture factories, furniture stores, decoration companies. Students who graduate from this program will receive the title of Interior Design Technician. Undergraduate programs that allow vertical transfer from this program; Interior Architecture, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design are programs such as Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.
Interior Design Program hosted Interior Architect Duygu Yılmaz as part of the "Apprentices Ask the Masters" event, which is being held within the body of İzmir University of Economics Vocational School. Yılmaz, who came together with the 2nd year students of the Interior Design Program within the scope of the MICM 210 Graduation Project course on April 26, made a presentation to the students about the interior design projects and applications he has implemented in Turkey and abroad. After the very productive presentation, we presented him with our certificate of appreciation.

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As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.