
The course will help students recognize the skills necessary for university life and personal development. These skills include self-awareness, goal setting, time management, effective communication, mindfulness, and analytical thinking. The course will also raise students' awareness of the habits essential for physical, mental, and spiritual health, as well as issues such as addiction and bullying.
Students will be able to explain the main principles of accounting, applying the rules and principles of accounting, they will be able to manage accounting entries and prepare the accounting ledgers and the balance sheet for the end of the period.
This course includespplication and content of the Microsoft Office programs.
This lecture contains the subjects like differences between management of cooperative, timeshare, farm, site.
This course aims to provide students the basic concepts, terminology and functions of businesses within the framework of developing world order and global economy.
This lecture contains the subjects like estate types, bussiness agency, estate declaration, urbanization, globalization, environment and participation, relationship between debt and due.
This is a compulsory English course which provides basic language skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking at the beginning level.
Students will be taught how to use the written and verbal communication tools accurately and efficiently in this course. Various types of verbal and written statements will be examined through a critical point of view by doing exercises on understanding, telling, reading, and writing. Punctuation and spelling rules, which are basis of written statement, will be taught and accurate usage of these rules for efficient and strong expression will be provided. As for verbal statement, students will be taught how to use the body language, use accent and intonation elaborately, and use presentation techniques.
Internship, covers field experience at any work place. Students should follow the instructions stated in IUE Internship Guide in order to successfully complete their internships.
The fundamental topics of law are: rules of social order, sources of law, branches of law, judicial organization, types of lawsuits, application of legal rules, and basic legal concepts.
Business Administration II is a basic course that gives students the changing concepts of businesses, their functions in the developing world and the world economy. It is the continuation of Business Administration I and aims to teach the students the current changes in business functions.
This is a compulsory English course which provides basic language skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking at the beginning level.
This course provides a general information of the events from the end of the 19. century until the end of the Turkish War of Independence and the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 and the following period until 1990’s.
This lecture contains the subjects like perception of urban, human and environment, urbanization, globalization, environment and participation, urban transformation.
This lecture contains the subjects such as title deed fees and revenue stamps, deed and buying value, Turkish tax system, tax incentive legislation, fundamentals of income tax, fundamentals of estate taxes, title deed fees and stamp tax.
Basic concepts about filing, the purpose of filing, management of filing, organization types in file, stages of filing process, archiving, EDMS and office automation.
Expropriation conditions, practice of expropriation, land acquisiton, purchase procedure, methods of acquiring immovable property.
Basic concepts about inheritance law, legitimate heirs, seisins due to death in formal and material terms, inheritance, acquisition and sharing.
Reconstruction regulations, reconstruction program, reconstruction regulations and laws, reconstruction application processes.
This course includes the properties of the real estate market, the valuation process and the calculations in this process.
This course includes possession, ownership, real estate ownership, real estate pledge, floor ownership, title deed, easement rights and real estate law.
This course includes the concept of local government, local government structures in Turkey and in the world, Special Provincial Administrations, municipalities, village administrations, local government associations and local government banking.
Basic components of a building, concepts, processes, properties of buildings, building-environment relations, elements of a building.
Internship, covers field experience at any work place. Students should follow the instructions stated in IUE Internship Guide in order to successfully complete their internships.
BNK 213 Business Finance
This course covers financial statements and analysis, long-term financial planning, time value of money, stock valuation and capital management issues will be discussed.
MEEY 220 Sign Language
The content of this course is; to gain the necessary skills to use the sign language in social life.
MEEY 224 City Analysis
In this course, students will be able to give definition of city and urbanization.
MEEY 226 Building Inspection
This course contains; building control applications, legal framework, the necessary legislation, application procedures, construction material standards, occupational safety and health rules.
MINT 230 Professional Ethics
To analyze the concepts of ethics and morality. To analyze the concepts of ethics and morality. To analyze the ethics systems. To examine the concept of social responsibility.
MISG 101 Occupational Health And Safety
Risk groups of employees. Occupational health, importance of occupational health outlook, occupational health basics, occupational disease, the definition of work-related diseases-causes and prevention, occupational diseases related to chemical, physical and biological risks of accidents at work, occupational health criteria and application areas, Health the right to security, safety culture concept
MMAT 110 Business Mathematics
Theory and applications of mathematical operations regarding the profession
MPAZ 101 Principles of Marketing
This course consists of the definition of marketing, basic concepts on marketing, new trends in marketing, marketing environment, market segmentation and marketing mix strategies, sales management and personal sales.
MPAZ 214 Public Relations
In this course, the students will gain knowledge and skills about the use of communication tools and strategies related to public relations by working with definitions, basic concepts and historical examples related to public relations.
MTOI 225 Entrepreneurship
Providing theoretical information on entepreneurship and formulating a business plan, analyzing successful business models, preparing and presenting business models.
MTOI 230 Consumer Behavior
The role of consumer behavior in marketing; consumer psychology, neuroscience, anthropology and sociology; consumer buying behavior and digital consumption and markets will be the main topics of the course.
MUH 270 Financial Management
Having the relevant and detailed information about the financial management, the students will be able to use various methods which are useful for making financial decisions such as capital structure, working capital and investment projects. The students will also be able to analyze and evaluate the performance of the companies.
RTV 140 Basic Knowledge of Communication
This course consists of content drawn from fields related to communication, such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and linguistics, as well as sector-based case analyses.
RTV 240 Corporate Communication
Basic concepts of corporate communication, corporate communication activities performed for different purposes and for different stakeholders and basic principles to be considered in these activities are discussed.
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